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Beat the Heat: Dog Treats to Keep Your Pup Cool

by Alisha's Best of Friends 22 jul

Beat the Heat: Dog Treats to Keep Your Pup Cool

Summer is a time for outdoor adventures, long walks, and plenty of playtime with your energetic canine companion. As the temperatures rise, it’s essential to keep your dog cool and hydrated. One of the best ways to keep your dog cool and hydrated is by offering them refreshing and healthy summer dog treats. Whether you're browsing your local pet supply store or looking for DIY ideas, Alisha's Best of Friends is committed to finding the perfect summer treats for your dog.

Just like humans, dogs are susceptible to overheating and dehydration during the hot summer months. Providing your pup with cool, hydrating treats not only helps regulate their body temperature but also keeps them energized and happy. Summer dog treats serve as both a tasty snack and an enjoyable way to beat the heat. These treats can turn snack time into an exciting activity, helping to relieve boredom and keep your dog mentally engaged. A well-hydrated and happy dog is a healthy dog, prepared to make the most of all the summer adventures.

Frozen treats are a popular option to keep your dog cool during the summer months. Frozen yogurt treats are a great source of probiotics and can be found in various flavors.

Make sure to choose dog-safe options without added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Another excellent choice is ice pops, which are available at many pet stores. Ice pops can be fruit-based or meat-based, providing a tasty and refreshing option for your pup.

In addition to store-bought options, there are plenty of natural treats that are both healthy and cooling for your dog. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and fiber. They can be served fresh or frozen. They can be mixed into yogurt for an added treat. Strawberries are high in fiber and vitamin C, which also contain enzymes that help keep your dog’s teeth white. You can serve them fresh or frozen after removing the stems and slicing them.

Bananas are high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, and fiber. They can be sliced and frozen for a cool treat or mashed and mixed with peanut butter for a delicious frozen pop. Watermelon is hydrating and low in calories, and a good source of vitamins A, B6, and C; remove the seeds and rind, and cut it into bite-sized pieces to serve chilled or frozen. Lastly, cucumbers are low in calories and high in water content, are also a good source of vitamins K, C, and B1; they can be sliced and served fresh or frozen, making a crisp and hydrating snack.

Summer dog treats are a fantastic way to keep your pup cool, hydrated, and happy during the hot summer months. Whether you opt for store-bought options from your local pet supply store or decide to whip up some homemade goodies, there are plenty of delicious and healthy choices to explore. Next time you’re at Alisha's Best of Friends, keep an eye out for these refreshing treats and give your dog the gift of a cool, tasty summer. We guarantee their tail will be wagging all summer long.